Although I was only eleven years old, I still have vivid memories of April 28,1971. I was sitting at the kitchen table struggling with my math homework as the evening was getting late, when my father came home tired and hungry, but certainly very excited. He had just finished a long meeting with his brothers and said the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania had just approved the incorporation application of Simplex Industries, Inc. which meant their dreams of owning a business was finally a reality. I too became very excited and quickly forgot about my math homework and peppered him with question after question on what was Simplex and why did he and his brothers want to start this business. As he patiently answered these questions, my mother’s eyes quickly told me she was nervous because she knew it would entail hard work, long hours and a financial commitment from the whole family. Luckily, all the brothers and their families were committed in making this new business successful.

As the years have gone by, Simplex celebrating 45 years of success is a direct result from the hard work and dedication from all of its employees, customers and vendors since 1971. Never in my wildest dreams, did I ever expect that 45 years later I would be writing this blog post, but I am proud to share our story.

Thank you to all who have made Simplex who we are today and sharing in our vision.  “Building homes with you in mind – Service, Quality, Satisfaction – EVERY TIME – it’s that simple!”

Going back to the evening of April 28,1971, although my father was tired and hungry and I am sure his mind was racing about starting this new business, he still found the time to sit and help me complete my math homework.